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tv   CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley  CBS  July 30, 2012 5:30pm-6:00pm PDT

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future. captioning sponsored by cbs captioning sponsored this is the "cbs evening news" with scott pelley. >> pelley: james holmes heard charges today that could cost him his life if he is convicted in the colorado theater massacre. prosecutors presented well over 100 charges in court today. 12 counts of premeditated murder, one for each of the people who died. and 12 counts of murder with extreme indifference to human life, again one for each of the dead. those charges carry the death penalty. holmes is also charged with 116 counts of attempted murder. two counts for each of the people prosecutors say were injured, two counts each because the prosecutors haven't decided which law they will use at trial. some victims and some relatives - re in the courtroom in cntennial, colorado, and so was john blackstone.
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blhn, what did you see? >> scott, well, james holmes still has orange hair and he looks as if he hasn't shaved todae he was arrested. but in court today he showed no emotion. and he stared up at the ceiling. he often opened his eyes very wide for no apparent reason. but he never made eye contact with the victims or their families who were in the courtroom. >> reporter: this was holmes in court last week, the last time o saw him on camera. this time the judge barred cameras from the courtroom. some of those still healing from wounds suffered in the theater shooting came to the court to see him formally charged. ali garbi, whose 16-year-old son ldffered a head wound, came in search of an answer. >> i want to ask him why he did it. i mean you know, why he did it. >> reporter: but holmes said just one word today. the judge asked if he agreed to waive his right to a preliminary hearing in 35 days. holmes replied "yes".
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>> he had a kind of an evil or diabolical presence to him. >> reporter: mary ellen hansen name on behalf of her niece ashley moser who was shot in the neck. moser's six-year-old daughter veronica was the youngest person killed. moser was pregnant and had a miscarriage this weekend. >> she's going to be paralyzed from the waist down. and we're hopeful that she will gat full use of her arms again. >> reporter: she not only lost her daughter, she lost an unborn child as well. >> correct. and her entire life is going to change, completely from that night. >> reporter: the list of charges against holmes is 72 pages long. and could bring life in prison li the death penalty for killing 12 people and wounding 58. you want to be in court the next time he shows up. >> absolutely. >> reporter: you want to be there for this trial. >> yes, i really do. wu know, we have an emotional investment for what he's done to our family. >> reporter: holmes' attorney's
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argument that a notebook he sent to his psychiatrist just before the shootings is confidential, doctor-patient communication and as such, scott, they argued it that that should be kept out of tiblic view. >> pelley: john, thank you. ten of the wound ready still in the hospital tonight. three of them are in critical condition. now to the presidential campaign. mitt romney left controversy in his wake today as he left israel ir poland in his first overseas tour as the presumptive republican nominee. is remarks angered palestinians and jan crawford is traveling with governor romney. >> reporter: romney's welcome to poland by senior leaders and solidarity legend lech walesa was overshadowed by remarks he made at a fund-raiser, which was closed to cameras, before he left israel. he told major donors that israeli culture helps explain ney they are more economically successful than the neighboring nolestinians. "you notice a dramatic, stark difference in economic vitality,
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taliaid. and that is also between other countries that are near or next n each other. chile and ecuador, mexico and the united states. culture makes all the difference. and as i come here and i look out over the city and consider the accomplishments of the people of this nation, i tcognize the power of at least culture and a few other things." romney referring to the work of s prominent harvard historian has repeatedly made similar tmarks on the campaign trail. >> culture makes all the lifference. not natural resources, not haography, but what people tlieve and what they value. buteporter: but that infuriated palestinian leaders who said romney failed to take into account the impact of israel's trade restrictions on the west bank and the gaza strip and the unreliability of the gaza border with egypt. romney also sharply understated the gulf between israel's gdp dnd that of the palestinians. he said it was $21,000 to $10,000, the world bank says it
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is $31,000 to $1,500. >> now lech walesa, the famous solidarity leader, basically endorsed romney today. he had invited him to poland but scott, the trade union movement distanced itself from romney's itsit, saying he has supported attacks on unions back in the united states. ricaelley: jan, thank you. it is the campaign rhetoric here at home that has a lot of isericans shaking their heads. the advertising from both campaigns is overwhelmingly negative and very often just plain wrong, based on half truths or lies. we asked nancy cordes to show us what is passing for campaign advertising these days. >> it's a scary time to be a woman. >> reporter: the new ad from the obama campaign implies that a romney presidency would be bad for women. >> romney supports overturning ing versus wade". >> reporter: it's true that romney opposes abortion. >> i was consistent as governor, as a pro-life governor. >> reporter: but it was this baim in the ad that earned the
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obama campaign a blistering ngants on fire" rating from facttifact, an organization which tracks misleading political claims. >> romney backed a bill that outlaws all abortions, even in case of rape and incest. 7o reporter: in 2008 romney did back a constitutional amendment that would ban all abortions, but some versions of that proposed legislation included exemptions for rape and incest. and romney has repeatedly said pe believes in exemptions for rape, incest or to save the life of the mother. it's far from the first presidential campaign ad to stretch the truth this cycle. just last week the romney campaign took president obama's comments about government's role in building infrastructure out of context. implying he belittled the private sector. >> if you've been successful, you didn't get there on your own. if you've got a business, you didn't build that. somebody else made that happen. >> reporter: here's what the president really said.
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>> somebody helped to create this unbelievable american system that we have that allows to you thrive. vemebody invested in roads and dyidges. if you've got a business, you didn't build that, somebody else made that happen. >> reporter: the obama campaign contends it's ad is factual because mr. romney has expressed support for a variety of thislation that would ban all abortions, no exceptions. scott, it's likely the campaign resurrected this issue because while mr. obama leads among women, mr. romney has been gaining ground recently. >> pelley: nancy cordes at the white house tonight. nancy, thank you very much. ba syria, the battle is on for the ancient city of aleppo. it is part of the civil war that started nearly a year and a half ago as a popular uprising against the dictatorship of bashar al-assad. the u.n. says 200,000 people have fled aleppo, which has more than three million residents, about the size of los angeles.
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the syrian dictatorship bars reporters from the region but eorrespondent charlie d'agata heipped in past the syrian army and we spoke to him earlier today. >> reporter: what's clear is fat the battle for aleppo is raging on. iat is less clear is who's winning. but the rebels did score a victory this morning just northwest of aleppo. they overran a government outpost. and they captured something between eight and ten tanks, a lot of trucks with ammunition and weapons-- desperately needed erapons. thw this evening we heard a series of explosions in this area. ersidents here have suggested that it was in retaliation for overrunning that government outpost. but what we heard from rebel forces, what it was actually was those very tanks being used instnst the syrian army. >> pelley: charlie d'agata inside syria. as we mentioned the syrian dictatorship bars reporters from the war zone.
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but our clarissa ward was able to spend a week with the rebels in the northwest city, and tonight she tells the story of a group of medics right on the front line. >> reporter: driving an hebulance seized from the syrian government, a small group of volunteers is on a dangerous mission, speeding past syrian military positions to reach wounded rebel fighters. we can't show you their faces for fear that the government will punish their families. they call themselves the medical battalion. ost even the most senior member of the team who goes by the name oramil isn't a doctor. he was about to graduate from medical school when he was arrested by the government for his support of the opposition. but in syria now, an almost doctor is better than no doctor at all. doctor at all. >> if we didn't help the people, who can help. this is our job, my job. so i must help people. >> reporter: the volunteers have set up a s >> reporter: the volunteers have
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set up a string of makeshift clinics and crucially a communication network. >> so you have given radios to all these different towns. erey call you when they have a problem. >> yes. >> reporter: and then you go. >> reporter: when fierce fighting broke out in that town two weeks ago, the members of the medical battalion carried out as many of the wounded as they could. unny were children caught in the crossfire. fiere was only so of the medics could do. one man trained as a veterinarian before joining the volunteer medics. nt said the sights and sounds of war have dried his tears. so you no longer feel emotional? you no longer feel the urge to cry? . >> if i think about the situation, my country, my people, you can't stop crying. we have to cry. we try, we try but we can't.
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>> reporter: so they don't stop. on this day th >> reporter: so they don't stop. on this day the mission was to deliver these emergency medical a.ts to rebel fighters in the area. we used back roads and stopped when locals warned us that syrian government tanks were blocking the way ahead. the team took shelter in a local home and prayed. it was night before we were able b try to sneak through. roe team turned off the ffadlights as we raced past the syrian army's checkpoint. thanks be to god, they said, when they were back in the relative safety of rebel held territory. they're building makeshift clinics as fast as they can smuggle supplies across the srder with turkey but there is one shortage that they can't caercome. overcome. >> you need-- >> reporter: why can't you find more doctors. >> frankly, lots of doctors are scared. >> reporter: for now the best r:ey can do is to spend a few minutes teaching first aid before getting back on the dangerous road to the next
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erllage. in the midst of a vicious civil war, this lone ambulance offers people some hope for a better future. >> pelley: clarissa has now returned from syria and joins us from our bureau in london. clarissa, couldn't help but notice a lot of civilians were being treated by these rebel medics. >> reporter: that's right, scott. that's one of the major challenges they face. they're not just looking to treat wounded rebel fighters, they're looking to provide an almost alternative health-care system for all civilians who are living in rebel-held territory and who do not have access to government-run hospitals. >> pelley: clarissa ward, just back from syria, thanks very om s. a record blackout leaves 360 million people in the dark. farmers wage a new battle for survival against the drought. and a dust storm in the southwest when the cbs evening news continues.
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corn country, where farmers are looking to the government for help. >> reporter: so, tell me what the forecast is for today? >> the forecast for today is essentially the same forecast we've had for most of the last three months. roughly about 90 degrees, sunny with about a 20% chance of rain. it's just that 20% chance of rain is never materialized. >> reporter: david hardin's family has been farming in fa central indiana since john quincy adams was president. >> reporter: how close are you to just writing off this crop? >> there are large areas in our fields that will yield essentially nothing. >> reporter: in a normal year he raises more than enough corn to feed his 12,000 hogs. >> we're actually having to go out and buy corn on the open market to feed our hogs through the next year. year.orter: he says it's not just the weather that's squeezing him-- 40% of the national corn harvest last year wnt to ethanol production under
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the federal government's renewable fuel standard, requiring petroleum companies to buy a minimum amount of ethanol to blend into gasoline supplies. david hardin, along with many of his neighbors, wants the government to waive the requirement during this drought so he can compete fairly with the supply he needs instead of paying sky-high prices for what little is left. use ethanol industry opposes any changes and says its consumption n corn is down nearly 14% in ihe last six weeks. .ell, you plan for the worst and hope for the best is this the worst? >> this is the worst i have ever nen in my life and i hope it stays the worst that i have ever experienced. >> reporter: now experts on the ethanol market say a federal ifver this year is highly stlikely, scott, but if the wiought persists into next year it will only intensify the battle between the ethanol stdustry that helps to power our urrs and the livestock farmers who produce the meat we eat.
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>> pelley: and there's no letup in sight. dean, thanks very much. the largest power outage in history left 360 million people across northern india in the dark. cte electric grid collapsed today in stifling summer heat akinng a mess of train travel. india's no stranger to major lackouts. hospitals, businesses and airports switch to backup tstems. it took 15 hours to get the power back. the london olympics are sold out, so why are there so many empty seats? that's ahead. doctor the pitch! job, whoa! so why are you doing his? only your doctor can determine if your persistent heartburn is actually something more serious like acid reflux disease. over time, stomach acid can damage the lining of your esophagus. for many, prescription nexium not only provides 24-hour heartburn relief, but can also help heal acid-related erosions in
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>> pelley: phoenix is used to dust, but when you combine a want cloud of it with monsoon inin you get a monster storm. and it moved through the phoenix area last night, causing highway aucidents and knocking out power to thousands. thousands of empty seats at the london olympics are making a lot of people angry. sports officials from several countries had scooped up blocks of tickets but then didn't use then. day y the organizers took some of those tickets back so they nan be resold. they also had british soldiers fill in some of the empty seats. american swimmers won two more gold medals today. 17-year-old missy franklin took the women's 100 meter backstroke and matt griebers won the men's 100 meter backstroke. fellow american nick thomas took
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the silver. >> it will be the first museum of its kind. a look at this revolutionary idea next. you know how painful heartburn can be. for fast, long lasting relief, use doctor recommended gaviscon®. only gaviscon® forms a protective barrier that helps block stomach acid from splashing up- relieving the pain quickly. try fast, long lasting gaviscon®.
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ask your rheumatologist if enbrel is right for you. [ doctor ] enbrel, the number one biolog medicine prescribed by rheumatologists. >> there are museums dedicated to barbwire and spam, hoboes and
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yo-yos and even trash. yet there is no major museum for the treasures of the american revolution. tonight anthony mason tells us that there are plans to write that wrong with a museum to be built with public and private funds in the city where america was born. >> in a secret location in the suburbs of philadelphia he has been cataloguing artifacts from the revolutionary war. >> this is a british musket. >> a must get used in the battle of lexington, the first action in the war of independence. a soldier's canteen, one of only three known to have survived. >> when you think about it, at this point the united states is still just an idea. >> for years the 3000 items in this collection had been looking for a permanent home. by 2015, they will finally have one. when the museum of the american
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revolution opens in philadelphia, near independence hall. amazingly it will be the first national museum to tell the entire story of the american revolution. >> it has been a long time coming but i'm glad it is here. >> this brown university professor is a scholar of the revolution. >> there has been using for most every conceivable event in american history or person in american history but not for the american revolution. which is extraordinary when you think of the revolution as the most important events in our history. >> the museum's collection will include a letter written in the hand of george washington, celebrating the french horn in the cause. it was donated just this month. >> that is a nice thing to have arrived. >> and this document. >> this is the original printed in the spring of 1775. >> enlistment form for recruits. >> a massachusetts service for the preservation of liberty is
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america, this is the beginning of the army? >> this is it. >> the stakes were high, as shown by this in great and " kill or be killed ". >> is this the price of the collection? >> it would be hard to top this one. >> to 20 ft. piece of canvas was washington's home during the war. >> this is where he spent half of the american revolution. it is chilling to think about the emotions that were held underneath this canvas. >> washington's victories led to the birth of a nation. >> to be an american is to believe in something and the things that we believe and cannot of that revolution. >> the stories written in this collection. artifacts from an act of defiance that would literally change the world. anthony mason, cbs news, philadelphia. >> and that is the cbs evening news for tonight. for all of us at cbs news all
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around the world, good night. >> good evening i am dana king. >> i am alan martin. it is the one thing that everyone loves to hate about san fransisco. cow >> if you have spent any time in the city lately you have probably noticed that it is getting worse. phil matier shows us that mr. meese is running out of ideas on this one. >> that is right. we're down at the plaza, a gateway to san fransisco for commuters and tourists but these days there's a new site on the street that just won't go away. here is the story. >> san fransisco, home of the golden gate bridge and fisherman's wharf and of course this. most recently the city made national news when the escalator bottom of this downtown bart station had to call in a hazardous materials team because the bottom is being used as a toilet by the homeless.
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>> obviously, after people read about it, myself included, is disgusted me. >> the question is, what can you do about it? >> i know that we have answers, but it takes time. >> the fact is the city has been a lot of time and a lot money on the homeless. over $1 billion in the past 10 years on shelters, transitional housing, medical and social services. and they're still spending money at a rate of $225,000 per day. the result? according to the city's 2011 count, we have over 3000 people still living on the streets. 400 more than the previous count. >> i guess that you have to try everything possible. >> he is the department's homeless coordinator, is a job has to try and balance every as compassionate politics with the reality of the streets. >> it is against the law to camp in the park, do you arrest? >> i would have to check statistics on that. probably some rest at night.


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